Useful information about current 'app'.

Information about the architecture of this ‘app’.

Current ‘app’ is designed with simple but rather powerful technologies as:

XAMPP (Apache + MariaDB + PHP + Perl) – XAMPP полностью бесплатный и простой в установке дистрибутив Apache, содержащий MariaDB, PHP и Perl. XAMPP создан с открытым исходным кодом, чтобы быть невероятно простым в установке и в использовании. (

WordPress – это платформа, на которой работают 36% сайтов в Интернете. — лучшее решение. Начните создавать свой сайт сегодня. (

Telegraf – is a plugin-driven server agent for collecting and sending metrics and events from databases, systems, and IoT sensors. Telegraf is written in Go and compiles into a single binary with no external dependencies, and requires a very minimal memory footprint. (

PerfMon agent – during a load test, it is important to know the health of the servers loaded. It is also nice to see if you are targeting a cluster if the load is correctly dispatched. To address this, the plugin package now supports server monitoring! Using it, you can monitor CPU, Memory, Swap, Disks I/O and Networks I/O on almost all platforms! (

Your Dream Vacation is somewhere there.

Hardware and Software.

Hardware – ХЗ, Software – see above.

Work Hard And Savour Your Next Holiday.

Common information.

This ‘app’ is designed specially for professionals, who want upgrade their skills in Testing. Its mostly about Performance Testing or Load Testing, that depends on your way of naming this king of Testing. But it can be useful for Quality Assurance specialists, who are training their skills in Manual Testing or in Automation Testing (writing Selenium UI tests).
All the necessary information on Logins and Passwords you can find on ‘Subpage 3-4’. And some more additional info about this project is stored on ‘Subpage 3-5’.